Big Spring Youth Soccer Association (BSYSA) Club is a competitive travel soccer club that participates in the Central Pennsylvania Youth Soccer League (CPYSL). The club’s primary playing seasons are the CPYSL outdoor seasons. The CPYSL Fall season runs from early September through early November, and the CPYSL Spring season runs from early April through early June. Games are typically played on Saturdays and Sundays, with practices running twice a week!

What is ‘Travel Soccer’?  

Travel soccer requires playing games outside the club in a local league with 4 home matches and 4 travel matches against other clubs in the Central Pennsylvania area.  Generally speaking, away games are within a 30 – 45 minute drive, although a few exceptions exist.  There is also optional travel to local, regional, or out-of-state tournaments, depending on the interests of the parents, coaches, and players.  Travel soccer is for players (and their families) interested in developing their abilities beyond the recreational level, as it requires greater commitment.  Each player is expected to dedicate the time and effort necessary to continually improve his or her skills while contributing to their team.  

How Much Time Do I Have to Commit To Practices? 

Because we are a competitive club, practice time is very important.  For most, teams practice twice weekly for about an hour and a half each practice (three hours a week).  How Competitive is BSYSA?  Three levels of travel soccer are available: Division III, Division II, and Division I.  Every level requires more commitment and ability.  Most BSYSA teams play in either Division I or Division II.  Competition is challenging at all levels. 

Can players outside of the Big Spring area join BSYSA? 

Yes.  Regardless of residency, all players are welcome to contact a coach or the board members regarding an open roster position. 

What Should I Expect From A Travel Program?  

Many people fear that a travel program is too competitive and driven by a “winning is everything attitude” that will impact players.  BSYSA believes that pursuing excellence helps develop mature, confident young men and women.  BSYSA strives to provide an environment that fosters quality growth for our young soccer players by focusing on key ingredients of player development, such as technical and tactical understanding, quality coaching, physical preparation, and psychological development, while also contributing to the personal development of our players in areas of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness and citizenship. 

When is the playing season? 

The club’s primary playing seasons are the CPYSL outdoor seasons.  The CPYSL Fall season runs from early September through early November.  The CPYSL Spring season runs from early April through early June.  Games are typically played on Saturdays and/or Sundays.  As teams progress in age and ability, each may elect to participate in tournaments.  Tournament participation requires entry fees.  These costs are in addition to the registration fees paid to the club each season and will be handled by the participating team. 

What is expected of a BSYSA Player? 

Each player is expected to dedicate the time and effort necessary to continually improve his or her skills while contributing to the team’s success.  To thrive in a competitive soccer environment, the player must sincerely desire to improve.  Player expectations include: 

 1. positively representing the team and club at all times.

 2. Maintaining good grades and behavior in school.  

 3. Being on time for practice and pre-game warm-ups. 

 4. Notifying a coach in advance of an absence or tardiness to the greatest extent possible. 

 5. Attending all practices and games to the greatest extent possible.  

 6. Coming to each game prepared and dressed to play (shin guards, home and away uniforms, socks, cleats, water bottle, etc.) 

 7. Maintaining a positive mental attitude toward both games and practice.

 8. Representing a “committed” image by doing such things as keeping shirts tucked in at all times during games, hair out of face, laces tied, etc. 

 9. Pay attention to and respect coaches and trainers during club activities, practices, and games. 

10. Displaying good sportsmanship always toward the team, opponents, and referees.    

What is the cost of participating in BSYSA?  

Expenses vary by team, depending on the age of the player and the level of play.  The club conducts fundraisers in order to keep registration costs lower and teams are permitted to organize fundraising activities to offset some costs.  Key items that factor significantly into the cost are professional training, tournament play, and indoor league play.    

Who governs BSYSA?  

A Board of Directors oversees the club. Board members are elected by club membership and serve voluntarily.  As a result, the club's success depends largely upon the degree to which volunteers donate their time, energy, and knowledge.  Board meetings are open to all BSYSA members and are held monthly on the last Wednesday at 7:30 pm at Newville Fire House. 

Who can I go to with questions?  

The BSYSA Board meets monthly. General questions and concerns should be directed to the Board President, Lee Beecher. Questions pertaining to Travel registration information should be directed to the Board Registrar, Steph Martin. All questions pertaining to our Recreational Program should be directed to the Recreation Coordinator, Shane Mowrey. Board contact information can be found on the Board of Directors page.